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Netizens fume as woman accuses husband of beating her for taking child to school wearing singlet

Drama unfolded when a woman hit social media for help after her husband allegedly turned Hulk over her choice of outfit—a simple singlet—to drop their child off at school. The result? A viral video of the teary-eyed mom showing off a swollen face and telling the internet what went down.

Apparently, her hubby wasn’t feeling the “indecent” vibes of her singlet and decided to make it known—violently.

The video lit up social media like a Christmas tree, with users throwing in their two cents. The debate? Domestic violence vs. societal standards of “decent” dressing.

Comments poured in fast:

@abebi_omotanwa shared her no-nonsense family story: *“When my sister’s husband beat her, my brothers went to their house and beat him back. Since then, he never raised his hand again!”*

@olayemi_alaga kept it “both sides” real: *“Why wear a singlet? That’s how it starts. But still, no excuse—dress better next time. Sorry!”*

While many called for justice and an end to domestic violence, others touched on issues like societal control and what’s considered appropriate for women.

The lesson? It’s not just about the singlet—it’s about respect, boundaries, and ending toxic cycles. Stay tuned for updates on this wild ride of love, clothes, and drama!


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Written by Olusesan Oba

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